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Index N


Namoan, Evert Van (marriage to Winifred Benham) (i4873)


Narsin, Susan Norson OR (i6602), b.1577-d.1637
Narsin, Susan Norson OR (marriage to John Atwater) (i6602), b.1577-d.1637


Nash, John (marriage to Elizabeth Hitchcock_(Howd)) (i10622)
Nash, John (marriage to Elizabeth Tapp) (i7453)
Nash, Marh (marriage to Roger Alling_or_Allen) (i4345)
Nash, Mary (marriage to Roger Alling_or_Allen) (i4344)
Nash, Mary (marriage to Thomas Hale) (i11321)
Nash, Sarah (marriage to Thomas Yale Jr.) (i7403)


Nashe, Elizabeth (i3943)
Nashe, Elizabeth (marriage to Edward Mathews) (i3943)
Nashe, George (marriage to Frances Kitchell) (i8867)


Nason, Charity (marriage to Job Emery) (i20661)
Nason, Charity (marriage to Job Emery) (i20660)


Naugh, William (marriage to Anne Lathrop) (i11254)


Naughty, Joanna (marriage to Thomas Payne) (i4396)


Naylor, Ann Elizabeth (i27448), b.1857-d.1922
Naylor, Atarah Eunice (i27447), b.1898-d.1996
Naylor, Benjamin Eli (i12), b.1892-d.1974
Naylor, Benjamin Eli (i137), b.1965-
Naylor, Benjamin Eli (marriage to Charlotte Ramsdell) (i12), b.1892-d.1974
Naylor, Benjamin Ramsdell (i6), b.1931-
Naylor, Benjamin Ramsdell (marriage to Dorothy Kingsley Openshaw) (i6), b.1931-
Naylor, Charles (i140), b.1798-
Naylor, Charles (marriage to Mary Merrill) (i140), b.1798-
Naylor, Charles Henry (i27365), b.1854-d.1854
Naylor, Emily (i27099), b.1848-d.1849
Naylor, Emily (i27459), b.1855-d.1939
Naylor, George (i148), b.1701-
Naylor, James (i142), b.1771-
Naylor, James (i27306), b.1846-d.1898
Naylor, James (marriage to Hannah Kershaw) (i142), b.1771-
Naylor, Joseph (i61), b.1824-d.1894
Naylor, Joseph (i146), b.1740-
Naylor, Joseph (marriage to Elizabeth Parfitt) (i61), b.1824-d.1894
Naylor, Joseph (marriage to Sarah Hall) (i146), b.1740-
Naylor, Kelt MacLachlan (i136), b.1963-
Naylor, Kurt Winston (i177), b.1962-d.1963
Naylor, Mary Ann (i27096), b.1850-d.1916
Naylor, Mildred Vida (i27325), b.1895-
Naylor, Miriam Ruth (i176), b.1919-
Naylor, Paula Grace (i207), b.1933-
Naylor, Phebe Abigail (i27402), b.1900-d.1951
Naylor, Ralph William (i180), b.1922-
Naylor, Robert Darby (i179), b.1921-
Naylor, Sonja Nichols (i3), b.1961-
Naylor, Sonja Nichols (marriage to Ross Donald Andrews) (i3), b.1961-
Naylor, Tirzah Esther (i27513), b.1891-
Naylor, William (i24), b.1852-d.1918
Naylor, William (marriage to Ida Elizabeth Gage) (i24), b.1852-d.1918


Needham, Daniel Danyell (i14849), b.1636-d.1717
Needham, Edmund (i14845), b.1603-d.1677
Needham, Edmund (marriage to Mrs. Joan Jane Needham) (i14845), b.1603-d.1677
Needham, Elizabeth (i14822), b.1630-d.1662
Needham, Elizabeth (marriage to Joseph Kimball) (i16034)
Needham, Elizabeth (marriage to Joseph Mansfield) (i14822), b.1630-d.1662
Needham, Ezekial (i14850), b.1638-
Needham, Hannah (i14852), b.1640-
Needham, Mary (i14847), b.1632-d.1676
Needham, Mrs. Joan Jane (i14846), b.1610-d.1675
Needham, Mrs. Joan Jane (marriage to Edmund Needham) (i14846), b.1610-d.1675


Neldham, Elizabeth (marriage to Joseph Kimball) (i16035)


Nelson (marriage to Ruth Foxwell) (i12045)


Nelson, (marriage to Ruth Foxwell) (i12043)
Nelson, Hannah (i226), b.1699-
Nelson, Hannah (marriage to Jebez Wood) (i226), b.1699-
Nelson, John (marriage to Lydia Bartlett) (i13397)
Nelson, John (marriage to Sarah Wood) (i2033)
Nelson, John (marriage to Sarah Wood) (i2034)
Nelson, Thomas (i11453), b.1675-
Nelson, Thomas (marriage to Hope Huckins) (i11453), b.1675-
Nelson, William (i11552), b.1644-
Nelson, William (marriage to Ruth Foxwell) (i12044)


Neltye, (marriage to John Benham) (i4866)
Neltye, Anna (marriage to John Benham) (i4867)
Neltye, Miss (marriage to John Benham) (i4868)


Nere, Mary (marriage to John Littlefield) (i19088)


Neve_or_Revel, Richard (marriage to Anne Payne) (i3037)


Nevel, Richard (marriage to Anne Payne) (i3036)


Neves, Agnes (Ann) (i2940), b.1563-d.1645
Neves, Agnes (Ann) (marriage to William Payne) (i2940), b.1563-d.1645


Nevinson, Elizabeth (marriage to Samuel Hastings) (i1349)
Nevinson, Mary (marriage to Nathaniel Hastings) (i1346)


Newberg, Benjamin (marriage to Moore) (i5565)


Newbury, Benjamin (marriage to Miss Mary Moore) (i5563)
Newbury, Benjamin (marriage to Miss Mary Moore) (i5564)
Newbury, Benjamin (marriage to Moore) (i5563)


Newcomb, Andrew (i12360), b.1680-
Newcomb, Andrew (i12378), b.1664-d.1687
Newcomb, Andrew, Capt (i12394), b.1618-d.1686
Newcomb, Andrew, Capt (marriage to Grace Rix) (i12394), b.1618-d.1686
Newcomb, Anne (i12350), b.1720-d.1770
Newcomb, Asahel (i15148), b.1780-
Newcomb, Benjamin (i12369), b.1700-d.1774
Newcomb, Briscoe Thomas (i15086), b.1859-d.1888
Newcomb, Calvin Weld (i15173), b.1818-d.1899
Newcomb, Charles Herbert (i15163), b.1857-
Newcomb, Deborah (i12361), b.1682-
Newcomb, Deborah (i12367), b.1696-
Newcomb, Eleanor E. (i15589), b.1825-d.1890
Newcomb, Elizabeth (i12354), b.1727-d.1801
Newcomb, Elizabeth (i12370), b.1701-d.1727
Newcomb, Elizabeth (i14983), b.1784-d.1854
Newcomb, Elizabeth (marriage to Zachariah Emery) (i20638)
Newcomb, Ella Cornelia (i21), b.1878-d.1938
Newcomb, Ella Cornelia (marriage to Herbert Augustus Wood) (i21), b.1878-d.1938
Newcomb, English (i170), b.1787-d.1853
Newcomb, English (marriage to Eunice Weld) (i170), b.1787-d.1853
Newcomb, Eunice Fidelia (i15591), b.1820-
Newcomb, Fred Ernest (i15386), b.1870-
Newcomb, Grace (i12399), b.1664-d.1713
Newcomb, Hart (i15221), b.1795-
Newcomb, Herbert Samuel (i15153), b.1855-d.1857
Newcomb, Herman J. (i15476), b.1874-d.1875
Newcomb, Hezekiah (i12346), b.1693-d.1772
Newcomb, Hezekiah (i12351), b.1722-
Newcomb, Hezekiah (i12482), b.1747-d.1821
Newcomb, Hezekiah (marriage to Jerusha Bradford) (i12346), b.1693-d.1772
Newcomb, Ida Desire (i15480), b.1866-d.1910
Newcomb, Isaac Leander (i15174), b.1822-d.1844
Newcomb, James (i12357), b.1733-
Newcomb, Jemima (i12356), b.1730-d.1769
Newcomb, Jemima (i12485), b.1756-d.1844
Newcomb, Jerusha (i12353), b.1726-d.1804
Newcomb, Joanna (i12362), b.1683-
Newcomb, John (i12364), b.1688-d.1765
Newcomb, Joseph (i12486), b.1762-
Newcomb, Lotin Samuel (i15380), b.1873-
Newcomb, Luther English (i15522), b.1830-d.1855
Newcomb, Mary (Mercy) (i12381), b.1672-d.1736
Newcomb, Mary Gertrude (i15478), b.1863-
Newcomb, Obadiah (i12366), b.1695-d.1761
Newcomb, Obadiah (i15202), b.1798-
Newcomb, Orson (i15168), b.1789-
Newcomb, Peter (i4320), b.1718-d.1779
Newcomb, Peter (i12382), b.1674-d.1723
Newcomb, Peter (marriage to Hannah English) (i4320), b.1718-d.1779
Newcomb, Phebe (i12481), b.1741-d.1785
Newcomb, Rebecca (i12363), b.1684-
Newcomb, Sally (i15154), b.1800-d.1802
Newcomb, Samuel (i12355), b.1729-d.1748
Newcomb, Samuel (i12483), b.1749-d.1800
Newcomb, Samuel (i15183), b.1794-d.1879
Newcomb, Samuel Rogers (i59), b.1827-d.1880
Newcomb, Samuel Rogers (marriage to Cristine Connellia Hildreth) (i59), b.1827-d.1880
Newcomb, Sarah (i12368), b.1698-
Newcomb, Sarah (i12380), b.1670-d.1707
Newcomb, Sarah Ann (i15166), b.1832-d.1858
Newcomb, Silas (i12348), b.1717-
Newcomb, Silas (i26854), b.1717-d.1773
Newcomb, Simeon (i12358), b.1662-d.1744
Newcomb, Simeon (marriage to Deborah) (i12358), b.1662-d.1744
Newcomb, Simon (i12371), b.1705-d.1774
Newcomb, Solomon (i14926), b.1783-d.1845
Newcomb, Susanna (i12396), b.1642-d.1681
Newcomb, Thomas (i12352), b.1724-
Newcomb, Thomas (i12365), b.1691-d.1761
Newcomb, Thomas (i12379), b.1668-d.1723
Newcomb, Walter Lemuel (i15379), b.1879-
Newcomb, William (i174), b.1752-d.1822
Newcomb, William (i15527), b.1791-d.1876
Newcomb, William (marriage to Elizabeth Connable) (i174), b.1752-d.1822
Newcomb, William Bradley (i15164), b.1824-d.1824
Newcomb, William Wallace (i15593), b.1854-


Newcome, Rachel (marriage to Peter Adams) (i1434)


Newell, Esther (marriage to John Stanley) (i2618)
Newell, Hester (marriage to John Stanley) (i2620)


Newhall, Mary (marriage to Thomas Brown) (i12999)
Newhall, Nathaniel (marriage to Elner Ramsdell) (i10245), b.1690-
Newhall, Sarah (marriage to William Ramsdell) (i9295), b.1755-d.1825


Newland_(Newland, Mary (Sarah) (marriage to Henry Howland) (i11633)


Newman, Mrs. Mary (marriage to Nicholas Street [Rev.]) (i7438)
Newman, Sarah (marriage to Samuel Tuttle) (i4061), b.1665-


Newton, Bettee (marriage to Samuel Frost) (i2972)
Newton, Elizabeth (marriage to Zachariah Eager) (i1308)


Nicholls, Elizabeth (i4583), b.1573-
Nicholls, Elizabeth (marriage to Edmund Cook) (i4583), b.1573-


Nichols, Ann (marriage to John Watson) (i6469)
Nichols, Anna (marriage to John Watson) (i6471)
Nichols, Caleb (i18860), b.1640-
Nichols, Caleb (marriage to Anna Ward) (i18860), b.1640-
Nichols, Edith Mary (i29), b.1874-d.1951
Nichols, Edith Mary (marriage to James Moss Openshaw) (i29), b.1874-d.1951
Nichols, Emily (i6591), b.1883-
Nichols, George (i6854), b.1815-
Nichols, George Joseph (i71), b.1838-d.1885
Nichols, George Joseph (marriage to Ruth Blundell) (i71), b.1838-d.1885
Nichols, Huldah (marriage to Joseph Warner) (i10017)
Nichols, Mary (i158), b.1710-
Nichols, Mary (i18870), b.1666-d.1733
Nichols, Mary (marriage to Joseph Hull) (i18870), b.1666-d.1733
Nichols, Mary (marriage to Marmaduke Hall) (i158), b.1710-
Nichols, Ruth L. (i2238), b.1879-d.1970
Nichols, Walter (i6559), b.1881-


Nickerson, Cyrus (marriage to Emily Naylor) (i27092), d.1901
Nickerson, William (marriage to Mary Snow) (i14050)


Niel, Ebenezer (marriage to Sarah Littlefield) (i19054)


Nielsen, Sarah (marriage to Edward Cole) (i11965)


Niles, Penelope (marriage to Edward Mott) (i19074)


NN, Hannah (marriage to Jonathan Hall) (i11208)
NN, Martha (marriage to Moses Merriman) (i4885)
NN, Mary (marriage to John Lane) (i4105)
NN, Sarah (marriage to Benjamin Andrews) (i10306)


Norman, John (marriage to Elizabeth Merriman) (i4937)


North, Anna (i2938), b.1595-
North, Anna (marriage to William Payne) (i2938), b.1595-
North, John (marriage to Mary Warner) (i2332)
North, Richard (marriage to Ursula OR Ursuala Scott) (i14707)


Northend, Elizabeth (Hobson) (marriage to Thomas Gage) (i12643), b.1660-


Northrop, Zophar (marriage to Hannah Andrus) (i9700)


Northrup, Joseph (marriage to Mary Norton) (i2180), b.1640-


Norton, Abigail (i2255), b.1642-
Norton, Abigail (marriage to Richard Weeks) (i18167)
Norton, Ann (marriage to John Tucker) (i20462)
Norton, Ann (marriage to John Tucker) (i20463)
Norton, Ann (marriage to John Tucker) (i20464)
Norton, Anna (marriage to John Warner) (i10117)
Norton, Anna (marriage to John Warner) (i10116)
Norton, Anne (i2234), b.1632-d.1679
Norton, Anne (marriage to John Warner) (i2234), b.1632-d.1679
Norton, Deborah (marriage to Zachary Hill) (i1392)
Norton, Delight (i7208), b.1736-d.1828
Norton, Delight (marriage to Timothy Upson) (i7208), b.1736-d.1828
Norton, Ebenezer (i10366), b.1699-d.1750
Norton, Ebenezer (marriage to Sarah Savage) (i10366), b.1699-d.1750
Norton, George (i2246), b.1608-d.1659
Norton, Grace (i2247), b.1627-
Norton, Grace (i2249), b.1632-d.1704
Norton, Grace (i2252), b.1640-
Norton, John (i2248), b.1628-d.1712
Norton, John (i2253), b.1634-d.1704
Norton, John (marriage to Elizabeth Hubbard) (i2253), b.1634-d.1704
Norton, Mary (i2181), b.1640-
Norton, Mary (i2250), b.1635-d.1662
Norton, Mary (marriage to Joseph Noyes) (i19504)
Norton, Mary (marriage to Joseph Noyes) (i19509)
Norton, Thomas (i2244), b.1609-d.1648
Norton, Thomas (i2251), b.1637-
Norton, Thomas (i2256), b.1646-d.1713
Norton, Thomas (marriage to Grace Wells) (i2244), b.1609-d.1648
Norton, Widow (marriage to John Tucker) (i20461)


Noyes, Abigail (i19450), b.1628-
Noyes, Abigail (i19451), b.1628-
Noyes, Abigail (i19454), b.1653-
Noyes, Dorothy (i19405), b.1621-d.1715
Noyes, Dorothy (marriage to John Haynes_(Haines)) (i19405), b.1621-d.1715
Noyes, Elizabeth (i19443), b.1624-d.1649
Noyes, Elizabeth (i19446), b.1625-
Noyes, Elizabeth (marriage to Josiah Haynes) (i19443), b.1624-d.1649
Noyes, Joseph (i19444), b.1624-d.1661
Noyes, Joseph (i19447), b.1626-d.1661
Noyes, Joseph (i19456), b.1657-d.1661
Noyes, Joseph (marriage to Ruth Haynes) (i19485)
Noyes, Morris (marriage to Ethel D. Ellis) (i18294), b.1885-
Noyes, Nicholas (i19449), b.1627-
Noyes, Nicholas (i19453), b.1632-d.1657
Noyes, Nicolas (i19448), b.1627-
Noyes, Peter (i19439), b.1592-d.1657
Noyes, Peter (i19445), b.1624-
Noyes, Peter (i19452), b.1630-
Noyes, Peter (i19455), b.1655-
Noyes, Peter (marriage to Elizabeth) (i19439), b.1592-d.1657
Noyes, Sarah (marriage to James Haynes_Haines) (i19482)
Noyes, Thomas (i19441), b.1622-d.1666
Noyes, Thomas (i19442), b.1623-
Noyes, Thomas (marriage to Martha Pierce) (i16429)
Noyes, Thomas (marriage to Mary Haynes) (i19441), b.1622-d.1666


Nutting, Grace (i17918), b.1598-
Nutting, Grace (marriage to Thurston) (i17918), b.1598-


Nye, Ebenezer (marriage to Sarah Newcomb) (i12529)

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